How Long Does An Onion Last In The Fridge

How Long Does An Onion Last In The Fridge? | Storage Time

When it comes to kitchen staples, onions are a cornerstone, infusing dishes with flavor, texture, and nutrition. However, the age-old question of how long does an onion last in the fridge remains a topic of much debate among culinary enthusiasts and home cooks alike. With our comprehensive guide, we aim to peel back the layers of mystery surrounding onion storage, offering you expert insights grounded in food science and practical experience.

Understanding the shelf life of an onion in the refrigerated sanctuary of your kitchen is more than a matter of preventing waste; it’s about preserving the onion’s potent nutritional benefits and its vibrant flavor profile. Whether you’re a gourmet chef or a meal prep novice, knowing the intricacies of proper onion storage is essential. This article doesn’t just answer the simple question of longevity; it delves into the factors that affect an onion’s lifespan, innovative storage tips to extend it, and the tell-tale signs of an onion past its prime.

Join us as we explore the dynamic world of onions, from their journey from the grocery store to your refrigerator, and learn how to maximize their shelf life effectively. This isn’t just about saving an onion; it’s about enhancing your cooking and ensuring every dish you prepare is as fresh and flavorful as possible. Let’s unravel the secrets to onion storage that will change the way you look at this humble vegetable forever.

Overview Of Onion

Overview Of Onion

The onion is a versatile vegetable that comes in various varieties, classified by type, color, shape, and earliness. It consists of succulent concentric layers which can range in color from white to red and yellow. Onions are commonly consumed raw, fried, boiled, or roasted as a garnish. They can also be processed into various by-products, such as dehydrated forms used in the food industry, onion powder for seasoning, and onion oil for dilution or encapsulation. Additionally, there are tinned, bottled, frozen, and pickled versions of onions available. Fresh or bundled tender onions are also marketed.

How Long Does An Onion Last In The Fridge?

The longevity of onions varies depending on how and where they are stored. If you keep peeled onions in the refrigerator, they can last for 10 to 14 days, while chopped onions will remain fresh for about seven to 10 days. Although it’s not ideal, you can store whole onions in the refrigerator for up to two months. The key to preserving onions is keeping them in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place. This will prevent sprouting and reduce the risk of spoilage. If you have extra onions that won’t be used for a while, consider storing them in a mesh bag or basket in your pantry or kitchen cabinet.

The Ideal Storage Conditions for Onions

Like many vegetables, there are certain factors that impact how long onions will remain fresh:


Onions prefer cool, dry conditions around 45-55°F, similar to a root cellar or basement pantry. The low temperature helps slow sprouting and decay.


Avoid sealing onions in airtight plastic bags, which traps moisture. The moisture will accelerate spoilage. Store away from high-humidity produce like potatoes.


Exposure to sunlight converts onions’ starch content into sugars, speeding decomposition. Keep onions in a dark place.

Storing Whole Onions

Storing Whole Onions

Whole, intact onions have the longest shelf life. Here are some best practices:

Not Recommended: Refrigerating Whole Onions

Though it may seem counterintuitive, refrigerating whole onions is not ideal. The cold converts onions’ starch to sugars, leading to quicker spoilage. Whole onions fare better at room temperature.

Recommended: Cool, Dry Storage

The best location for whole onions is a cool, dry, well-ventilated space like a root cellar, basement, or pantry. Use containers like mesh bags or open cardboard boxes that allow air circulation.

Shelf Life

Whole onions stored properly can last 3-6 months. Signs of spoilage include sprouting, visible mold, and softness. Discard any onions with these issues. If onions still have an intact skin and feel firm, they should be fine to use.

Storing Cut Onions

Once onions are peeled or cut open, the shelf life changes. Here’s how to store cut onions:

Refrigeration Recommended

Refrigerate cut onions in a sealed plastic bag or airtight container. The cold temperature helps slow decomposition.

Shelf Life

Chopped onions will last 7-10 days in the fridge. Peeled onions can survive 10-14 days.

Prevent Odor Transfer

Onion odors can spread easily in the fridge. Storage onions away from produce like apples that can absorb the smell. Make sure the storage container seals tightly.

Freezing Onions

Freezing can extend the shelf life of onions to 8 months, though texture and flavor are compromised:

Not Ideal for Whole Onions

Freezing whole onions causes texture to become unpleasantly soft once thawed. It’s better to freeze chopped or sliced onions.

Process for Freezing Chopped Onions

Chop or slice onions, then seal in an airtight freezer bag with as much air pressed out as possible. This prevents freezer burn.

Best Uses for Frozen Onions

Frozen onions work best in cooked dishes like soups, stews, and casseroles where the altered texture won’t be noticed.

Thawing Frozen Onions

Thaw frozen onions overnight in the fridge or under cold running water. Do not microwave frozen onions.

Shelf Life of Frozen Onions

Frozen onions will maintain quality for 8 months. Discard if freezer burn develops.

Additional Onion Storage Tips

Here are some other useful onion storage tips:

  • Check for spoilage – Look for mold, sprouting, or softness. Slightly soft onions can be revived in cold water.
  • Reduce food waste – With proper storage, you can keep onions longer and avoid waste.
  • Store away from potatoes – Potatoes release moisture that can accelerate onion spoilage.


With the right storage methods, onions can last for months. Follow these best practices:

  • Whole onions – Cool, dry, ventilated area like a pantry or cellar for 3-6 months
  • Cut onions – Refrigerate in sealed container for 7-14 days
  • Frozen onions – Use in cooked dishes within 8 months

Proper onion storage helps reduce food waste and keeps this versatile vegetable fresh and ready to use. Let me know if you have any other onion storage tips in the comments.

6 thoughts on “How Long Does An Onion Last In The Fridge? | Storage Time

  1. Victor Simon says:

    Onions last until they start to get rotten and black. Soft onions are still ok to use.

  2. Lonnie Tillery says:

    When I was growing up, my grandma kept onions that she grew (and harvested) under an old bed in the backyard for a couple weeks because she thought they tasted better after that rest. And it was hot AF in the summer. She had the greenest thumb in the entire family.

  3. Ollie Olson says:

    I have onions that last for months, although I refrigerate mine. I think you’ll probably be okay.

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